Sunday, May 10, 2015

6 Ways to Reduce Cavities and Improve Dental Health

When I was a kid, it seemed like that I always had some cavities at my dental check-up. A good exam for me was announcing to my mom that I only had one cavity. That was before fluoride was introduced into toothpaste and no information was given about flossing.

Today, we have more information available to help our patients reduce their cavities and keep their teeth and gums healthy.

Cavities are caused by bacteria in our mouth that make holes in our teeth. The bacteria feed off carbohydrates, especially sugar and make acid to weaken enamel and dentin.

(1) Reduce carbohydrate intake, especially sugars.

Mints, suckers, and any candy, including cough drops that stay in your mouth a long time, are harmful to our teeth. Sweet Tarts have the terrible combination of acid and sugar. If you feel the craving to eat something sweet, eat dark chocolate.

If you prefer milk chocolate, even a Hersey bar does not stay in your mouth very long. Crackers are carbohydrates that will feed the bacteria that make cavities. Eat fruits for snacks. Cheese can be beneficial to your teeth.

(2) Avoid acidic beverages.

Drinks with a lot of acid in them include such favorites as Coke, Pepsi, Sunny Delight, Capri Sun, tomato and V8 juice, and even Gatorade. 

All of these have a low pH, 2.7 or lower. If you drink soda, limit it to one meal per day and use diet soda.

Try to drink water right after drinking the soda to wash away the sugar and reduce the acid attack. Do not drink soda in between meals.

(3 ) Ask your dentist about prescription fluoride toothpaste.

Colgate Prevident 5000 can be prescribed to patients that are cavity prone. It costs about $9.00 per tube and is very beneficial in stopping decay.

(4) Lack of saliva can promote cavities.

Many medications can diminish saliva flow. Patients undergoing chemotherapy often have a reduced saliva flow. 

People will say that they have "cotton mouth" or a "dry mouth". The lack of saliva enhances the ability of the bacteria to grow.

There are over the counter products made by Biotene, available at Walgreen’s and CVS that help people with a dry mouth.

(5) Brush at least twice a day, especially before bedtime and floss once per day. It takes about two minutes to brush and one to two minutes to floss.

(6) If you are still getting cavities after all of these recommendations, ask your dentist to make custom fluoride trays. Prescription fluoride gel will prevent new decay almost totally. The fluoride must be used daily.

Need more in-depth, personal advice about your teeth and gums?

Our office can help you determine a course of action for your needs to keep your teeth cavity free.

Contact us by phone during our business hours, or send me an email or post a comment.

A new, improved smile can mean a whole new life, with increased social poise and self-confidence.

Fluoride trays.

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