Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dentist Related Videos on YouTube

I'll share a kind of weird thing with you now. YouTube videos about dentists are mostly negative.

I search YouTube for dentist videos, to find something by the American Dental Association, or other good patient education organization.

Sometimes I find really good videos on dentistry. There are a lot of good ones for teaching kids about brushing, flossing, and mouth health. I've even found some funny ones, like a Carol Burnett show episode.

But the really sad thing is that if you type "dentist" into the YouTube search box, you get lists full of "I hate the dentist" videos -- or videos expressing hostility toward what I assume to be dental quacks or mediocre practitioners. Every profession has those types of inferior providers.

However, there are some gems to be found on YouTube when it comes to dentistry.

Here's a nice attempt by a dentist to produce a video showing him doing his job and explaining things: How to Become a General Dentist by Career Zoo.


The business of "drill and fill?" We're all familiar with the patient care side of dentistry, but how much do you know about the business end of it? Many dentists are also business owners and managers, taking the job far beyond the "drill and fill" stereotype. Dr. Brian Britt tells us about the many hats he has to wear, and what it takes to sink your teeth into this rewarding career.


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